Tuesday, January 25, 2011

thanks alkyoni!

today, i received an award from alkyoni from electronic nightsky! thanks for award as i barely post and being now 1 of 2 loyal followers <3

anyways, so here goes:

the rules for winning this award are:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.

2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.

3. Award 15 recently discovered bloggers.

4. Contact these bloggers and let them know that they have won.

7 Things About Myself:

  • i'm a star enthusiast, as you may have seen from my stars tumblr.
  • i'm going to cambridge to attend summer school this year!
  • i stand at about 4 foot 8. 
  • i can't cook to save my life, possibly because my parents are chefs and i never get the chance to.
  • my favourite book is atonement, it's simply amazing and i recommend you all read it!
  • my handwriting is the most inconsistent thing ever, if i was a criminal and wrote a death note, you would never be able to trace me through my handwriting.
  • i work at mcdonalds lol.
I only really follow one blog here so:

1 comment:

  1. Wah, thanks!
    Agree on the cooking myself. Thankfully I have other people cooking for me (my mom, my friend Marcy, etc). And if it all comes down to nothing, I MIGHT be able to make some edible pasta.
