Friday, April 8, 2011

thank goodness for holidays

let's just say doing IB has killed me first term in already! only 7 to go...i'm looking forward to days where i can just laze around the house and sleep in until i'm actually awake.

really hope i can also head off away from the city and visit a few friends along the way. enjoy the country air again...take a few photos! i actually haven't used my camera in yonks!

i'll write a bit more over the holidays because i'll actually have the time :3
but just gonna go finish this wittle bit of homework for chinese tomorrow and chillz wif ma homies <3

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

call me a stalker but...

casually found the whole pretty little liars cast on facebook, what of it. the ways they use to disguise themselves are pretty sly.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

lol hi gog.

this, is exactly what i need.

unfortunately, to go against the words of my father today...

...i will one day travel far far away to look for solitude, maybe just for a little while. i will carry my one planet backpack and trek across mountains and rivers until i feel that i am satisfied. a road trip away with my closest few friends is on the bucket list. what ever it is, i just need some time with the world outside melbourne and quality time to take photos however the fuck i want.

going to do one day and hopefully soon!